Study: Assessments

Child Protection Risks Due to Flooding in Thailand: October–December 2011 Inter-agency child protection rapid assessment report

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(16.0 MiB)


Child Protection Sub-Cluster, Thailand

In early October 2011, Tropical Storm Nalgae and continuing monsoon rains since July brought heavy rain and widespread flooding to Northeast, North and Central Thailand. By November 2011, 27 out of 77 provinces were flooded or partially inundated and have been declared “disaster areas”, with a total of 65 provinces affected. Floodwaters at that time have reached Bangkok’s northern and eastern suburbs and six northern and western districts of the city, reaching critical levels in some areas and resulting in the relocation of thousands of people. The 2011 flood emergency in Thailand has been described as “the worst flooding in Thailand’s history”.

The main objectives of this inter-agency rapid assessment were to: determine post-flood scale of the needs and protection risks for children affected by the flooding; and to determine potential and actual capacities within the communities and service providers to respond to the existing risks and needs.The specific aim is for the assessment findings to enable actors within the Government of Thailand as well as the humanitarian community to have a better understanding of the protection risks for children in the aftermath of the flooding, to identify appropriate responses to issues and concerns identified, as well as to provide recommendations for strengthening child protection services.

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