
Child Protection in Emergencies Capacity Gap Analysis South East & East Asia

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Save the Children

The Capacity Gap Analysis process described and presented in this report was designed to inform the content and structure of the South East and East Asia Child Protection in Emergencies (CPiE) Professional Development Programme currently being developed under Save the Children and the IKEA Foundation‘s partnership to Build Stronger Global Humanitarian Capacity.

The Capacity Gap Analysis included the following core activities:

  1. A desk review of existing literature on the South East and East Asia sub-region, with a particular focus on issues pertinent to the child protection in emergencies sector. This desk review included documents both internal and external to Save the Children and where relevant they are referenced throughout this report.
  2. Key informant interviews with child protection and & child protection in emergencies global and regional experts to discuss child protection gaps and priorities across the South East and East Asia sub-region.
  3. An online survey for regional and national child protection and child protection in emergencies practitioners, where individuals were invited to self-asses their existing capacities and highlight child protection priorities for the region.

This report presents a comprehensive breakdown of the findings from the above strands of research. Where possible the percentage of respondents who highlighted particular capacity gaps is indicated and supplementary data has also been included to help situate the findings in the current child protection in emergencies landscape.

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