Teaching Resources, Trainings, Webinars, and Presentations

Child Protection Case Management Training for Caseworkers, Supervisors and Managers

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Child Protection Working Group

The Case Management Task Force of the global Child Protection Working Group was formed in late 2012 to operationalize Minimum Standard 15: Case Management. During 2013 the Task Force developed Interagency Guidelines for Case Management and Child Protection (Guidelines) and this Training. Included in the zip file is the facilitator’s guide/manual, PowerPoints, and Handouts. 

The Training Manual was developed following a desk review and scoping study, which involved field visits to east and southern Africa and an online survey distributed to country-level caseworkers and managers through the global Child Protection Working Group. It was revised following piloting in Syria, Mali, Somalia, (for the east and southern Africa region) and Jordan (for the Middle East region) and Task Force feedback.

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