Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance, Treaties, Laws and Resolutions

The Child Poverty Act 2010: How local authorities can involve children and young people

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Save the Children UK

An introduction to local authorities’ duties under the new Child Poverty Act and how they can involve children, young people and their families in developing strategies to reduce child poverty. The Child Poverty Act was passed into UK law, making tackling child poverty a priority for all governments. Save the Children played a key role in ensuring the Act gives children and young people a voice in the development of strategies. The next key task is to ensure the Act delivers radical and immediate action to lift children out of poverty. Save the Children has developed a support package to help local authorities meet the new duties in order to : Support direct consultation with children, young people and families to feed into needs assessments and child poverty strategies; Train staff to consult with and involve children, young people and their families, and use their input to shape strategies and practice; Help local authorities assess their current position in relation to child poverty interventions and develop an action plan to address gaps.

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