Briefs, Fact Sheets and Brochures

Child Helpline International Briefing Paper on Bullying

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CHI, Child Helpline International

This briefing paper about bullying of children and young people around the world has been prepared by Child Helpline International. On average every child helpline in the world receives nine contacts from children and young people per day who are suffering the effects of bullying. This paper is based on more than 126 million contacts that child helplines received from children and young people in the past 10 years.

Interesting findings are:

– while globally girls seem to be more bullied than boys, the opposite is true for the Middle East region.

– the vast majority of bullying cases (80%) happen at school,  an environment which should be a safe place for children to learn and grow;  

– In Europe 63% of contacts to a child helpline about bullying were requests for help with emotional bullying, reported predominantly by girls, whilst physical bullying was more prevalent amongst boys.

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