Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance, Study: Evaluations

Child Centred Accountability and Protection Evaluation (CAPE) Guide for Involving Young People in Monitoring & Evaluating Child Protection Systems

Publication year:






International Institute for Child Rights and Development

This Guide draws on the work of the International Institute for Child Rights and Develop-ment (IICRD) and partners from around the globe to develop practical tools and processes to work with children and young people in planning, monitoring and evaluating child protection systems and interventions. The Child-Centred Accountability and Protection Evaluation (CAPE) is a multi-institutional pilot project focused on measuring the impact of child protection services and programs addressing sexual abuse and exploitation. As such, the project is centred on developing an understanding of the meaning of risk, protection and well-being from the perspectives of vulnerable young people, and translating this knowledge into actions to promote child rights-based system change in Brazil, Colombia and Thailand

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