Briefs, Fact Sheets and Brochures

Challenging 12 Myths and Stereotypes about Low Income Families and Social Security Spending

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Save the Children UK

In recent months debates about social security spending and poverty have revolved around long-term out-of-work parents and a focus on families with large numbers of children or families who live in high costs areas (and therefore receive relatively large amounts in support through Housing Benefit). Whilst long-term unemployment is damaging for the people it effects and the country as a whole, and there is a valid debate to be had about how to reduce the Housing Benefit bill, this can misinform the debate about welfare and poverty skewing it towards a focus on a relatively small number of households.

It is therefore crucial that the debate about social security spending and tackling child poverty is based on the facts and framed in a responsible way which ensures that policymakers focus on those challenges most common to those living in poverty. This briefing sets out some of those facts, addressing some of the common myths and misunderstandings about social security spending and poverty amongst low-income families.

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