Case study – Iceland1 (2).pdf
Case Studies and Success Stories

Case study – Iceland. Child Rights Governance Initiative

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Save the Children

Since its foundation in 1989, Save the Children Iceland has been a spokesman for children’s rights and has recommended the legalisation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). In March 2008, the Icelandic legislative assembly adopted a parliamentary resolution for the government to adapt Icelandic law to the provisions of the CRC and in 2009, the Parliament agreed to legalise the CRC. The process is now ongoing. Following the recommendations of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child on the need to promote greater awareness of children’s rights and the CRC, Save the Children Iceland has produced, published and provided educational materials for compulsory schools (6-16) in compliance with Article 42 of the CRC. Also, to educate the public about the Convention, Save the Children Iceland, in cooperation with UNICEF Iceland and the Ombudsman for Children, organized in 2009 a week-long celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the adoption of the Convention.

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