Case Study 56 SAIEVAC Child Participation copy.pdf
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Case Study. Creating ‘Child Protection Advocates’ in SAIEVAC

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Save the Children Sweden

The South Asia Initiative to End Violence Against Children (SAIEVAC) was formed to facilitate the creation of strong partnerships between member states in the SAARC region (Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka), as they work to prevent violence against children and strengthen child protection systems. SAIEVAC supports the meaningful participation of children through the development of national and regional networks so children themselves can prevent and monitor violence, make recommendations to duty bearers and be involved in decision-making processes. This project offers a range of capacity building trainings for children to give them the opportunity to learn about child protection and child advocacy. Training programmes on the concept of meaningful child participation are also aimed at SAIEVAC staff, coordinators and government representatives, with a view to linking these lessons back to the field to improve programming.

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