
Cartographie et Analyse du Système de Protection de l’Enfant au Niger

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Child Frontiers Ltd.

In 2009, Plan International, Save the Children Alliance, Terre des hommes and UNICEF came together with national partners to initiate a regional child protection systems mapping, assessment and analysis exercise in five pilot countries : Senegal, Sierra Leone, Ivory Coast, Niger and Ghana. The rationale for this system mapping and analysis exercise includes recognition of the need to develop a more African-specific conceptual framework for systems work that includes non-formal systems, as well as to begin to build an evidence base on African experiences. This in-country research in Niger concentrates on formal structures (public and private) and on community based child protection mechanisms, aimed at obtaining a clearer picture of the strengths and gaps in those systems within the national context. The publication of this report was made possible through support provided by UNICEF, International Save the Children Alliance, and Plan International.

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