
Capturing Children’s Views on the Children’s Bill 2010. The National Child Consultation Programme in Zanzibar

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Save the Children

A report compiled by Save the Children in partnership with UNICEF and the Ministry of Labour, Youth, Women and Children Development. It outlines the findings of the National Child Consultation Programme on the development of a Children’s Bill for Zanzibar, a programme that was coordinated and technically overseen by Save the Children between January and June 2010.The Zanzibar Children’s Act seeks to protect and promote the rights of all children in Zanzibar while also focusing on the special needs of particularly vulnerable children such as those exposed to violence, abuse and exploitation and children in conflict with the law. This report shows that children can educate their peers about life’s challenges and the dangers of high risk behaviour, about protecting themselves from dangerous situations and how they can help break cycles of violence and discrimination.



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