
Campaign Against Sexual Abuse

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Save the Children Sweden

Changing the attitude towards girls and women

These films were part of Save the Children Sweden’s campaign against sexual abuse that ran autumn 2013 to spring 2014.

Meet Shiba, 15 years old, who is part of a youth group that is working to change the harsh attitudes towards women and girls in Bangladesh. Changing the attitudes of young men is one of the best ways to improve the situation for girls. 

Changing the attitude towards girls and women from Unsaid on Vimeo.

Living at the railway station in Dhaka

Meet Rohan, 11 years old, who lives at the main railway station in Dhaka, Bangladesh. He was separated from his family years ago and is trying to make a living as a porter at the station, avoiding drugs and coping with violence and abuse. 

Living at the railway station in Dhaka from Unsaid on Vimeo.

Akhi was sold to an Indian brothel

Akhi, 15 years old, was sold to a brothel in India, but is now living in a shelter in Bangladesh. She is one of many girls and boys who are survivors of sexual abuse in Bangladesh. 

Akhi was sold to an Indian brothel from Unsaid on Vimeo.

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