Briefs, Fact Sheets and Brochures, Reports

“To Build Peace, it is Hard But Not Impossible. We Have to Do it.” – Children and young people as actors in peace processes and peace building

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Save the Children Norway

In the first part of this publication, children and young people tell about their involvement in peace building: what they are doing, why they are committed to this, what they have achieved and their future plans and dreams. They have participated in local, national and regional workshops, some have attended a global workshop and a few young people from four countries will be representing their regions in the UN side event in New York in September 2012. 

In the second part, Save the Children presents their approach to support children and young people’s participation in peace building. The core of their work is described, examples of children’s contribution to peace building, as well as achievements and results. Examined are possible challenges and commitments for adults to respond to children and young people’s strong longing for peace and their readiness to be involved in peace processes and peace building.

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