Study: Research

Breaking the Vicious Cycle: Protecting children from sexual abuse, exploitation and trafficking

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Save the Children,Shishu Shurokkhay Amra

Sexual abuse, exploitation and trafficking are among the most traumatic experiences that a child may come across. The majority of Bangladesh’s children are struck by poverty, deprivation and lack of awareness and child right protection. Moreover, cyclones, flood and river erosion cause a large number of orphaned, homeless and destitute children. Hundreds of Bangladeshi children are pushed into streets and a life of hunger, disease, violence, fear and exploitation. These vulnerable children are in danger of being victims of sexual abuse, exploitation and trafficking.

This publication is a compilation of experiences and the immense challenges of the Shishu Shurokkhya Amra (SSA), a network of 7 partner organisations working in the field of child sexual abuse, exploitation, and trafficking. It shows homegrown, replicable and sustainable practices. The main objective of publishing this “good practice document” is to support a wider dissemination of lessons learned and insight in order to generate further improvement of strategies and approaches.

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