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Bingwa: Fighting Corruption by Building Integrity in the Children of Africa: Celebrating Children’s Rights 25 Years Later

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Child Africa

This special edition celebrates the 25th anniversary of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) by examining the progress of child rights in East Africa over the years. It places special emphasis on the experiences and stories of children themselves. As we celebrate the 25th anniversary, it is important that we think about what else needs to be done in the next 25 years as well.

25 years of the UNCRC is a celebration because it reminds us that all children matter, no matter where they come from, what language they speak, whether they are boys and girls, or whether they are abled differently – they have the same rights. As we celebrate the achievements shown since the start of the UNCRC, it is also important to think about what more needs to be done to protect the rights of children in the future. 

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