Briefs, Fact Sheets and Brochures, Reports

BARN: Precious fick livet tillbaka. Nr 1, 2009

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Save the Children Sweden

This edition of Save the Children Sweden’s quarterly magazine BARN looks closely at the lives of children who were born with HIV and live in Sweden. One article is told from the perspective of an 18 year old girl while the other is told from the parents of two adopted children with HIV.

The second main article presents the situation of HIV in South Africa and the efforts of one woman’s, Pastor Peggy Chauke’s, orphanage and home for children who either suffer from the virus or suffer from the consequences of the virus, loss of parents or caretakers. 

Zambia is also given focus: lack of education about HIV, early marriage, poverty, and a range of further factors impact the spread of the virus. As of 2009, there were over 600,000 children who had lost both parents to HIV.

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