Briefs, Fact Sheets and Brochures, Reports

BARN: Millenniemålen: På väg mot en bättre värld. Nr 1, 2014

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Save the Children Sweden

This edition of Save the Children Sweden’s quarterly member magazine ’Barn’ takes on the UN’s millennium goals through the lens of children at the lowest level of Indian society: child labourers, street children, and those who live in extreme poverty.

The UN’s millennium goals consist of eight measurable targets for the end of 2015, which will improve the quality of life for children, women, and men. Read about each goal and what the experts think about the outcomes, both intended and actual.

India jumps into focus for the second and fourth millennium goal: all children have the right to a basic education, and to decrease infant mortality. Read about the families as well as the workers who fight to improve conditions for mothers and newborns in India. Read about child labourers who have neither time, money, nor opportunity to attend school.

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