Briefs, Fact Sheets and Brochures

BARN: Japan. Nr 1, 2012

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Save the Children Sweden

The year’s first issue of Save the Children Sweden’s quarterly magazine BARN (Children) focuses on the challenges of providing humanitarian relief for children in times of natural disasters, ranging from earthquakes to tsunamis and floods. The magazine takes a look, nearly one year later, at Save the Children’s child protection activities in the aftermath of the massive quake that hit Japan in March 2011, and shares stories of survival and loss amidst the devastation. It includes a Q&A section with Gary Shaye, Save the Children’s Country Director in Haiti, on the earthquake that struck southern Haiti in 2010, leaving more than 230 000 people dead and millions of people in desperate need. Two years down the road, we know that Save the Children’s life saving and life-sustaining assistance has benefited 900,000 children and adults in Haiti. The magazine provides information on how activities are conducted and donations used, and additional content includes, among other items, news snapshots of Brazil adopting a legal ban on corporal punishment of children; the dramatic drop in infant mortality in Afghanistan; the Third Optional Protocol to the CRC on a complaints mechanism for violations of children; and the looming humanitarian crisis in Côte d’Ivoire.

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