Briefs, Fact Sheets and Brochures

BARN: En värld i rörelse. Nr 1, 2011

Publication year:


Swedish, English


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Save the Children Sweden

This issue of Save the Children’s membership magazine “Barn” is about migration, about children who are driven from their country fleeing war and catastrophe, daring to dream of a better life – and the reality they encounter. Thailand is a favorite vacation paradise spot for many Swedes, but behind the paradise beaches and the friendly smiles there is a world of ruthlessly exploited poor migrant children. “They want children to work for them – but no one takes care of the children”, says Pastor Kevin Medilo, who operates a charity organization in Ranong, 30 miles north of Phuket, with the support of Save the Children Sweden. Meanwhile, China’s efforts are concentrated on preventing and stopping the thousands of cases of child abductions and kidnappings that occur every year, forcing them into the sex- slave-industry.

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