Briefs, Fact Sheets and Brochures, Reports

BARN: En trygg värld. Nr 3, 2010

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Save the Children Sweden

This is the third quarter release of Save the Children Sweden’s quarterly magazine for members, ‘Barn’.

Sierra Leone is one of the world’s poorest countries. It lacks many of the social safety mechanisms that many in Sweden take for granted. This article follows Save the Children’s activities in Sierra Leone, which is recovering from war that lasted from 1991 to 2002.

Save the Children has been active in Sudan since 1984. Civil war and struggles have left many children in protracted situations of poverty and distress. Save the children provides education for children in refugee camps and for children who live in Darfur.

In Indonesia, orphanages have grown to become their own sort of industry. Of the approximate 8,000 institutions, are only 40 run by the State. Save the Children investigates some of these institutions and the quality of care that the children receive. 

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