Briefs, Fact Sheets and Brochures

Participatory Capacity Building Approach for Institutional Development of ASACO and CSCOM

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Save the Children International,Save the Children US

The USAID Services de Santé à Grand Impact (SSGI) is a six-year program (December 2014 to December 2020) funded by the United States of America through the US Agency for International Development (USAID). The goal is to contribute to the Mali Government’s efforts in reducing preventable maternal, neonatal, and infant deaths.

The program works to scale up high-impact interventions for the improvement of sustainable improvement in maternal, neonatal, and child health (MNCH). Strengthening the health system has been the backbone of this sustainable approach. In this area, the SSGI project focuses efforts on the institutional development of community health associations (ASACO) and community health centers (CSCom).

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