
Aportes para mejorar la inversión en Niñez y Adolescencia y la Participación Infantil en los Municipios de Centroamérica

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Círculo Centroamericano de Aprendizaje sobre Derechos de la Niñez y Desarrollo Local

A report by the Central American Learning Circle on Children’s Rights and Local Development (Círculo Centroamericano de Aprendizaje sobre Derechos de la Niñez y Desarrollo Local), which provides an overview of the III (Nicaragua, 2006) , IV (Guatemala 2008) and V (Costa Rica, 2005) Central American Encounters on Children’s Rights and Local Development that have been held across the region to promote municipal public policies on children. These events, attended by representatives of more than 200 Central American local governments and delegations, children, organizations, institutions, networks and movements, are the basis for the inclusion of the priority topics for children in the municipal plans of local governments in the region.
This report has been published with the support of Save the Children.

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