Reports, Treaties, Laws and Resolutions

Africa: The New Frontier for Intercountry adoption. Addis Ababa: The African Child Policy Forum

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English, French


pdf (3.8 MiB)


African Child Policy Forum

The report provides an analysis of the law and practice of intercountry adoption in Africa, with the aim of informing debate on conceptualising, developing and implementing polices, laws, programmes and research in relation to intercountry adoption in Africa. This report is divided into five sections. The first section deals with the context and magnitude of the issue of intercountry adoption in Africa; Section 2 focuses on some of the main international legal frameworks relevant for intercountry adoption; Section 3 addresses substantive issues such as principles, rights, and procedures, thereby highlighting the law and practice on intercountry adoption in Africa and providing an overview of the reality on the ground in the context of the practice; Section 4 , which complements Section 3, then offers a brief overview of some alternatives to intercountry adoption for which states, societies, families and other stakeholders should strive in order to realise children’s best interests in the context of care in Africa. Section 5 then sums up the report by offering a conclusion and some points on the way forward.

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