Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance, Teaching Resources

Adolescents’ Peer Leader Manual for Life Skills Development

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Forum MNE

This Manual is a guide for peer educators, and it incorporates methods and techniques of non-formal education, as well as practical examples of workshops on different topics. The aim of this Manual is to support peer educators (14 to18 years), and to implement life skills issue-based workshops with peers in their communities. Through delivering workshops on selected topics, young people will be able to develop life skills that can help them cope with the challenges of everyday life, such as: communication skills, active listening, assertiveness, presentation skills, organizational skills, planning skills, advocacy skills, resource management skills, critical-analytical thinking, conflict solving skills, managing emotions and stress, developing empathy, self-informed decision making, facilitation skills, etc. The youth leader training involving 13 young people from Bijela and Konik communities in Montenegro has been successfully completed. These young people have become peer leaders and educators and will, in turn, transfer knowledge to their peers.

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