Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance, Teaching Resources

Adolescent related risks and dangers – Peer education training manual

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Partners Bulgaria Foundation

This Manual provides training guidelines incorporating the peer eductation method. It has been developed within the regional Child Trafficking Response Programme (CTRP), with the paticipation of
volunteers from Partners Bulgaria Foundation Resource Centre in the town of Kjustend. The CTRP is managed by a regional team based at Save the Children, Albania, and implemented in seven countries in Southeastern Europe with the aim of providing support to at-risk or trafficked children in Montenegro, Albania, Bosnia and Herzgovina, Bulgaria, Kosovo, Romania and Serbia. The Manual aims to complement adolescent activities within a programme for preventing adolescent-related risks in everyday life. Its objective is twofold – on the one hand, the Manual offers relevant information on each of the themes, and on the other, it enables young people to develop independent living skills to protect themselves in risk situations. The 9 themes included in this Manual, suitable for peer educators in high schools (8th through 12th grade), are: Substance Abuse; Prevention of Addictions; • Conflict Resolution; Safe Migration; Safe Internet Use; Healthy Lifestyles; Career Development; Leadership Skills; and Leisure Activities

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