
Accelerating Healthy Agriculture and Nutrition (AHAN) Project: Gender analysis

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WVI, World Vision International

This gender analysis developed recommendations for prioritizing actions under the specific gender objective of World Vision’s AHAN Project. The Accelerating Healthy Agriculture and Nutrition (AHAN) Project, led by World Vision and funded by the European Union, aims to create supportive conditions for enhanced household (HH) nutrition in twelve districts across the southern provinces of Lao PDR.

This report provides an analysis of the relationship between gender roles/relations and nutritional outcomes for women of reproductive age and children under 5 in eleven selected villages across the three provinces in which the project will be implemented. The research methodology involved primary and secondary research, including focus group discussions (FGD) with men and women in each selected village, in-depth interviews with village heads or their deputies in all selected villages, and observations made by researchers touring the villages with female FGD participants. A desk review of all relevant project documents and other relevant gender reports was also undertaken.

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