
Accelerated Education Programming (AEP): Children, families, teachers and educational stakeholders experiences of AEP in Uganda

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Save the Children UK

Throughout 2016 and 2017, Uganda was affected by three parallel emergencies, from South Sudan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), and Burundi. Today, Uganda is Africa’s largest refugee hosting country and one of the top five refugee hosting countries in the world. At least 61% of Uganda’s total refugee population are children under the age of 18.

In Uganda, Save the Children  has been supporting AEP for the refugee response since 2017. In 2018, Save the Children consulted AEP students, their parents, teacher and headteachers, and other stakeholders to find out their experiences and views of AEP.  The aim was to increase our understanding of the factors that support or hinder transition between AEP cycles and post-AEP opportunities, as identified by children, parents, teachers and educational stakeholders. There has been little research that has asked children their thoughts and experiences of AEP and even less capturing their thoughts on transition.

The aim of the report is to provide insight into the lived experience of education of displaced children, teachers and families. It provides guidance and insight to improve delivery of AEP programming in Uganda and contributes to a wider AEP Working Group , Education In Emergencies Working Group and wider bodies.

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