Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

ABC for Action and Advocacy. A note on positive parenting and non-violent discipline

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Action for Children,Day of Prayer

This draft guide is the first in a series of three ABC’s for Action and Advocacy dedicated to the following sub-themes: 1. Positive Parenting and Non-Violence Discipline; 2. Prevention of Early Marriage; and 3. Promotion of Birth Registration. The present informational note focuses on “positive parenting” and its main purpose is to support religious communities and partners in promoting positive parenting and non-violent discipline, with a view to helping parents find methods that will work while also protecting their children’s development. It represents The World Day of Prayer and Action for Children’s (DPACs) contribution to the abolition of corporal punishment, a leading recommendation of the UN Study to end violence against children. The draft guide has been prepared in close consultation with an internal review team of World Day Council members, composed of Reverend Dr. Tony Richie from the Assembly of God; Save the Children; UNICEF, and the Office of the Special Representative on Violence against Children in collaboration with the World Day Secretariat in New York.

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