Policies, Standards, and Strategies

The 2010 HAP Standard in Accountability and Quality Management

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HAP, Humanitarian Accountability Partnership

The HAP Standard helps organisations that assist or act on behalf of people affected by or prone to disasters, conflict, poverty or other crises to design, implement, assess, improve and recognise accountable programmes. The 2010 edition of the Standard includes requirements on how to establish a commitment to accountability and on the processes that will deliver quality programmes for the people who experience them first hand.
The 2010 edition can be applied by all types of local, national and international organisations, HAP members and non-members, multi-mandate organisations, organisations that deliver direct assistance and those that work with partners.
The 2010 edition presents all the content of the 2007 edition in a more logical order, in line with The ISO/IEC Directives Part 2, and using more accessible language. The order of the benchmarks has changed, and minor adjustments have been made to the wording of some benchmarks. In response to feedback from the review consultations, a few specific requirements in the 2010 edition include content that was not already part of the 2007 edition.
A separate section for organisations working with partners has been included under each benchmark. The 2010 edition is also more explicit on its application to multi-mandate agencies (relief, development and advocacy programmes), and stronger on elements of financial accountability and protection from exploitation and abuse by aid workers

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