Briefs, Fact Sheets and Brochures

10 principios sobre parentalidad positiva y buen trato

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Save the Children Spain

Positive discipline refers to an approach to parenting that teaches children and guides their behaviour while respecting their rights to a healthy development, protection from violence, and participation in their learning. Here are some basic principles that guide positive parenting and positive discipline:

1. Children have a right to direction and guidance from their parents and caregivers (Art 5 of the CRC);

2. Positive parenting is about knowledge and understanding, protection and dialogue;

3. Positive parenting starts by creating a loving relationship with your child. Forming an affective connection between parent and child is of fundamental importance;

4. Openly show love and affection to your child;

5. Teach your child to understand limits; set clear limits which are fair and age appropriate- this gives the child a sense of security;

6. Involve your children in decision making to build their sense of responsibility;

7. You can teach and discipline your child without resorting to harsh punishment;

8. A slap in the face, insults, threats or yelling are ineffective forms of discipline;

9. Parent-child conflict can be resolved without violence

10. A big part of positive parenting is about bringing out the best – in both children and parents.

This brochure was produced with the support of the Spanish Ministry of Health, Social Services & Equity, and is part of Save the Children’s work in promoting positive parenting in the context of the awareness campaigns against corporal punishment of children within the family: “Educa, no pegues” (“Teach, don´t hit”), or “Corregir no es pegar”

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