Zimbabwe Children’s Group on the Sustainable Development Goals Report thumbnail

Zimbabwe Children’s Group on the Sustainable Development Goals Report

Publication year:




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Save the Children International,Save the Children Zimbabwe

A Children’s Scorecard was used to collect data amongst children. The scorecard is a way to gather important evidence directly from children by children on progress on child rights as specified and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) based on their own experiences. It focuses on 6 SDGs which directly impact the everyday lives of children. Information collected using this toolkit can be shared with local or national leaders, and the UN so that children’s views are incorporated into processes to measure progress, hold governments accountable for their promises to children and help shape laws and policies. It is aligned to the People’s Scorecard which is used in the adult group consultations, and children took the lead in engaging with their peers to come up with the information that was used to draft this report.

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