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Study: Assessments

WASH Midline Evaluation for USAID’s Act to End Neglected Tropical Diseases | East Program in Uganda

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Save the Children International,Save the Children Uganda

Act to End Neglected Tropical Diseases | East program is a five-year USAID funded program (2018-2023) led by RTI International, in partnership with Save the Children and other partner organizations with experience in implementing projects in line with control and elimination of the most common Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs). These diseases include Lymphatic Filariasis, Trachoma, Onchocerciasis, Schistosomiasis, and Soil-Transmitted Helminths (hookworm, ringworm, and whipworm), and affect more than one billion people worldwide, mainly the rural poor. The program is aimed at providing critical support to Uganda’s journey to self-reliance, enabling creation of sustainable NTD programming within a robust and resilient health system.

Save the Children supports the objective of trachoma elimination by leveraging Save the Children’s experience existing interventions around water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) and social and behavior change communications (SBCC) in four districts in the Karamoja region: Amudat, Moroto, Nabilatuk and Nakapiripirit Districts. This report summarizes findings from the midline survey conducted in May 2023. The overall objective of the midline survey is to gauge progress in household WASH behaviors and knowledge of trachoma as a result of project interventions which started in early 2022. Midline results are compared to baseline and are being used to inform project activities for the next year.

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