Voices against violence.pdf
Case Studies and Success Stories

Voices against violence

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English, French,Spanish


pdf (894.4 KiB)


Save the Children Sweden

“Voices Against Violence” is about Save the Children’s work to end violence against children. It sets out six key recommendations based on programme learnings and recommendations from children as a result of an extensive consultation. The aim of this publication is to mobilise and inspire sustainable positive changes for children worldwide. It is crucial that the recommendations set out in the report are supported by governments, organisations, communities and individuals in every region. It is also crucial that children and young people are involved in designing and implementing strategies to end the violence against them. Save the Children calls upon all governments to commit to end all forms of violence against children as a matter of urgency. Governments should build effective national child protection systems that include the elimination of violence as a priority goal. They should involve everybody, but first and foremost children.

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