Briefs, Fact Sheets and Brochures

USAID Services de Santé à Grand Impact Participatory Approach to Achieving the Status: Clean Health Center

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Save the Children International,Save the Children US

In Mali, Services de Santé à Grand Impact (SSGI) funded by USAID, aimed to improve survival and the nutritional status of mothers, newborns, and children under five. In the field of maternal and child health, SSGI has a component of water hygiene and sanitation (WASH) in workplace health training. The aim of this component is to improve the quality of health services offered, including infection prevention and control (IPC) in healthcare settings. To achieve this goal, SSGI in collaboration with the USAID project Keneya Jemu Kan introduced the Clean Health Center (CSP) approach. CSP encourages health facilities to provide and maintain incremental improvements in WASH and infection prevention to support efforts to improve the quality of care and improve health indicators. These WASH improvements aim to enable facility staff, patients, and healthcare providers to comply with infection prevention behaviors more easily and consistently.

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