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Save the Children International,Save the Children Uganda
The Uganda Climate Change Landscape Study provides a comprehensive analysis of the impacts of climate change on children, families, and communities across Uganda. Conducted by Save the Children Uganda with support from Save the Children Italy, the study highlights the multifaceted risks posed by climate change, including rising temperatures, increasing weather variability, and the frequency of natural hazards such as droughts, floods, and landslides. These changes have disproportionately impacted vulnerable groups, especially children, women, persons with disabilities, and rural communities.
The study employed a mixed-methods approach, integrating quantitative surveys and qualitative interviews to assess the awareness, perceptions, and adaptive capacities of children and their families. Key findings reveal that climate change is worsening socioeconomic inequalities, threatening livelihoods, disrupting education, and increasing risks to child protection and well-being. Additionally, gender analysis highlights that women and girls face heightened vulnerabilities during climate crises, including increased risks of violence and exploitation.
The report emphasizes the urgent need for child-centered and gender-responsive climate adaptation strategies. It recommends strengthening climate education, expanding early warning systems, and improving community resilience through targeted interventions. The study also underscores the importance of policy coherence and multi-stakeholder collaboration, involving government agencies, NGOs, and community leaders in building long-term climate resilience.
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2 Documents
Content type
Advocacy, Child Participation, Child Poverty, Child Protection, Child Rights Governance, Child Rights Programming, Child-Sensitive Social Protection, Children with Disabilities, Climate Change Adaptation (CCA), Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Education, Food Security and Livelihoods, Health and Nutrition, Resilience
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