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Save the Children International,Save the Children Sri Lanka
The U FIND project aims to enhance access to social protection services for vulnerable groups in Sri Lanka through a digital platform, focusing on women-headed households, persons with disabilities, and economically disadvantaged communities. This baseline report, conducted with 1,971 households across seven districts, evaluates the current social protection landscape, identifies barriers to welfare access, and assesses digital readiness among target populations. Using a mixed-methods approach, the study gathered quantitative and qualitative data on demographics, socio-economic status, digital literacy, and experiences with welfare programs.
Findings indicate significant disparities in access to social protection, with only 38% of women-headed households and persons with disabilities successfully receiving welfare benefits. Digital literacy and accessibility are challenges, with just 15% of target households able to self-register on digital platforms. Time and process inefficiencies are notable, as traditional welfare request processing averages 22 days, though digital interventions show promise for reducing delays. Common issues include lack of awareness, language barriers, and limited digital skills, particularly among marginalized groups.
Recommendations emphasize the need for inclusive digital literacy programs, infrastructure improvements, and user-friendly materials tailored to local languages. Further, the report suggests enhancing the platform’s accessibility features to support individuals with disabilities better. Ultimately, the study underscores the importance of community-driven solutions, ongoing user feedback, and policy alignment to foster sustainable improvements in social protection access.
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