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Turn up the volume: children and youth advance their rights in media

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Plan International

There are around two billion young people under 18 alive somewhere in the world. That’s 2,000,000,000 individuals, one-third of the world’s population! Yet despite these numbers, children and young people in many societies are rarely heard. They often have little chance to express themselves about issues affecting them. Many do not have the skills or tools to communicate their messages to others. All too often, adults are unaware that children and young people have something useful to say. So they become passive spectators in their own lives, unable to affect decisions that impact on them directly. This situation must change: the media is a powerful way to draw attention to youth issues and to let young people speak out.
Plan’s publication ‘Turn up the volume: children and youth advance their rights in media’, looks at ways in which young people can use the media to draw attention to issues which affect them.

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