Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance, Study: Evaluations

Toolkit for Creating a Step Change in Monitoring and Evaluating Children’s Participation

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This toolkit has been developed to support practical implementation of the ‘Framework for Monitoring and Evaluating Children’s Participation’, a project launched by Save the Children, UNICEF, Plan International and World Vision, and supported by the Oak Foundation. The Framework is intended for use by practitioners and children and young people working in participatory programmes, as well as by governments, NGOs, civil society or children’s organisations seeking to assess and strengthen the extent, quality and impact of participation by children and young people in decision-making within society. This toolkit emphasises the importance of actively involving children and young people in monitoring and evaluation processes. It highlights the importance of children and other stakeholders determining from the outset the most relevant indicators or objectives concerning the programme that they are involved in so that the matrices can be adapted and made more relevant to their specific contexts. It provides guidance on how to collect, organise and analyse the data, together with suggested participatory tools that are relevant to the matrices in the Framework.

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