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Save the Children Sweden
‘Protecting Adolescents from Gender Based Violence through the Promotion of their Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights’ is a three-year project launched by Save the Children aimed to raise awareness and enhance protection of children and adolescents (10-17 years old) in the MENA region from gender based violence (early marriage, FGM and sexual abuse) through promoting their right to Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) in three target countries: Lebanon, the Occupied Palestinian Territory (oPt) and Yemen. The Toolkit’s User Guide provides guidance on how to use the Module. It targets trainers to work with 4 groups with exercises, in order to: • Increase awareness of the importance of sex and reproductive education for children and adolescents by linking it to the rights of the child; • Provide the necessary knowledge for enhancing the safety and sexual and reproductive health of children and adolescents and avoid the risks that threaten their health; and • Enhance positive attitudes and sound skills relating to sexual and reproductive health among children and adolescents. The kit is designed in the form of five application guides: (1) The Information Guide, aimed to aid the facilitator; (2) The Activities Guide for children age 10-13; (3) The Activities Guide for adolescents age 14-17; (4) The Activities Guide for parents; and (5) The Activities Guide for service providers. Every guide is divided into 4 interdependent units: Unit One is an Introduction to Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights; Unit Two: “Puberty – Our Growing Bodies”, Unit Three: “Personal Hygiene”; and Unit 4: “Puberty – Psychosocial changes and life skills”. The User Guide provides guidance on how to use the Module
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