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Titukulane Project Factsheet

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Save the Children International,Save the Children Malawi

Titukulane is a five-year, $75 million USAID-funded Resilience Food Security Activity, spanning from 2019 to 2025. CARE, in collaboration with partners [Save the Children International, Emmanuel International, IFPRI, NASFAM, and WaterAid], is spearheading this initiative to fortify the implementation and efficacy of the Malawi National Resilience Strategy (NRS).

The NRS guides investments in agriculture, mitigates impacts, promotes household resilience, strengthens natural resource management, and facilitates coordination among various stakeholders. Under this consortium, Save the Children has been executing activities across 10 traditional authorities in Zomba district, aiming to achieve three key purposes. For the project to achieve its objectives, Titukulane works directly with the District Council. Currently, the project is in its 5th year of implementation and expected to be completed in March 2025.

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