
Time for Action: State of the world’s fathers 2017

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MenCare,MenEngage,Promundo,Save the Children,The Sonke Gender Justice Network

The second State of the World’s Fathers report, 2017 Time for Action, focuses on the actions needed to make progress towards fathers’ equal participation in unpaid care work. At the current rate of progress, it will take 75 years to achieve global equality in unpaid care work. The report therefore lays out an ambitious action plan for countries to adopt and integrate into national goals for men and boys to participate equally in this type of work.

Building on the findings and research from the first State of the World’s Fathers report, the report affirms that change – at both individual and policy levels – is possible and is occurring around the globe. This report marks growing international attention and focus for gender equality and equal participation in unpaid care work. 

Visit the State of the World’s Fathers website to read more country reports and gain insight into the MenCare Campaign.

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