
The Littlest Jab Book: Increasing COVID-19 vaccination among children and teens

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Busara Center for Behavioral Economics,CUBIC, The Center for Utilizing Behavioral Insights for Children,Save the Children

While many people prefer to think that the COVID-19 pandemic is over, it continues to have detrimental effects on people’s health, communities, health systems, and economies, around the globe. We should also not forget that the relative return to normality in some countries is due to their high vaccination rates. Since our first Little Jab Book, there have been many advancements in vaccine development and governments around the world have started rolling out the COVID-19 vaccination for children – either 0-18, 5-18 or 12-18 years old. Building on the success of ‘The Little Jab Book: 18 behavioral science strategies for increasing vaccination uptake’, this playbook looks into the most important COVID-19 vaccine uptake challenges for children in the Global South, based on international literature and formative research in Kenya, India, the Philippines, and Nepal, and highlights interventions to overcome these challenges. It includes a total of 10 recommended behavioural science interventions to increase COVID-19 vaccine rates among children.

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