Briefs, Fact Sheets and Brochures

The Teachers in Crisis Context training and coaching pack (TiCC)

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Save the Children

The Teachers in Crisis Context training and coaching pack builds basic teaching competencies for unqualified or under-qualified teachers often recruited to teach in emergency settings (e.g. refugee/IDP camps, conflict-affected areas, post-natural disasters, and/or with highly vulnerable populations). The materials can be used with qualified teachers who require refresher training or who would benefit from additional support in critical areas like child protection. The materials can also be used by teachers who either find themselves teaching in crisis-affected environments or in host community schools that are integrating children/youth from displaced populations. The pack is comprised of an Introductory Training Pack and four core modules, developed around a set of 28 teacher competencies. The pack has undergone systematic review where it was field-tested in Iraq and Kenya, externally reviewed by a range of EiE specialists, and finalized in March 2016.

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