Trainings, Webinars, and Presentations

Sub-Optimal Quality of Care for Possible Severe Bacterial Infection in Private Sector Outlets of Nepal

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Save the Children US,USAID, US Agency for International Development

Neonatal mortality in Nepal is 21 per 1,000 live births. Newborn deaths contribute to over 50% of under-five deaths (Nepal Demographic Health Survey, 2016). Possible severe bacterial infection (PSBI) is a major cause of death for newborns. Nepal has rolled out a Community-Based Integrated Management of Newborn and Childhood Illness (CB-IMNCI) program across the country that includes treatment of PSBI at the community-level when a referral is not possible. However, this program excludes the private sector. Most cases of sick children under five years of age seek care from private medicine shops/clinics; little is known about the appropriateness and quality of care provided.

Save the Children conducted a nationally representative survey in 2017 to characterize the quality of PSBI care services in the private sector. Survey objectives included:

  • To document the appropriateness of care that private medicine shops and clinics in Nepal provide for PSBI in sick infants ages 0–2 months

Specific objectives:

  1. Characterize current practices of service providers in private medicine shops and clinics in assessment, treatment, referral, and follow-up of sick young infants
  2. Compare these practices with nationally and globally recommended practices
  3. Identify factors that influence providers’ practices that could be amenable to improvement efforts

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