
A Study on Child Rights Governance Situation in Bangladesh

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Save the Children

This study, the first of its kind in Bangladesh, was published by the Child Rights Governance theme of Save the Children in Bangladesh. Conducted by Dr. Charika Marasinghe, International Child Rights Law Consultant, it provides an overview of the most important legal frameworks, laws, institutions and actors important for children. It analyzes the current child rights governance situation in Bangladesh and provides a set of recommendations to maximize the impact of existing programmes and future advocacy. The study aims at contributing to the child rights discourse by enriching and expanding both knowledge and experiential resources that would provide guidance and direction for forging strategic direction in child rights programme planning, implementation, evaluation and monitoring. The substantive principles identified by the study include: best interests of the child, non-discrimination, child participation, transparency, accountability, sustainability, integrity, impartiality, efficiency and equity.

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