Briefs, Fact Sheets and Brochures

Stepping up Child Protection in Niger! Key facts and features on child protection in Niger

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Save the Children

This document, published by Save the Children in Niger, provides you with key facts and features on child protection in Niger.
Niger is currently facing a potentially deadly food crisis brought on by crop failure, rising food prices and insecurity in neighbouring countries, which have conspired to put at risk the lives of thousands of children and their families. Save the Children works to mainstream and integrate Child Protection into the current emergency response in Niger, delivering change for those most in need of urgent assistance.
The document highlights some of the accomplishments in 2012:
In Niamey, the capital and largest city of Niger, 2,180 street children benefited from SC’s child protection programmes, through vocational training, education, psycho-social support and awareness raising. In the predominantly rural areas of Maradi, Zinder and Diffa, SC mainstreamed child protection in the emergency response to the acute food crisis of 2012, setting up Child Friendly Spaces at nutrition centres, undertaking psycho-social stimulation work and mobilising communities, reaching 2,031 children.
A presentation on Save the Children in Niger comprehensive approach to Child Protection can be accessed through the link under “Related Documents”.

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