Briefs, Fact Sheets and Brochures

Step Up for Immunization: Funding Gavi 6.0. and Save the Children’s Global Immunization Footprint and Reach

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Save the Children International,UNICEF, United Nations Children's Fund

The joint Save the Children – UNICEF policy brief Step Up for Immunization: Sustaining Progress, Protecting Futures – Making the Case for funding Gavi 6.0.  outlines the pivotal challenges posed by stagnating immunization rates and the growing number of zero-dose children, while emphasizing Gavi 6.0’s potential to reverse these trends. Key highlights include: 2.7 million additional children un- or under-vaccinated post-pandemic as well as a target to immunize 500 million children, potential to save 8–9 million lives and $100 billion in estimated economic benefits. The brief entails a comparison between Gavi 6.0. and Gavi 5.0., making the case for ambitious pledges by key donors for Gavi 6.0.

The brief also includes Save the Children’s Global Immunization Footprint and Reach. This overview highlights our role in delivering vaccines to the most vulnerable children, often in collaboration with Gavi. Through our work to increase immunization coverage in 30 countries over the last 5 years, we prioritized equity, local engagement, sustainable health systems, and innovative solutions to ensure no child is left behind.

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