Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance, Treaties, Laws and Resolutions

Statement of good practice – 4th edition

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Separated Children in Europe Programme

Separated children are under 18 years of age, outside their country of origin and separated from both parents, or their previous legal, or customary primary caregiver. Some children are totally alone while others, who are also the concern of the SCEP, may be living with extended family members who are not necessarily their customary or primary caregivers. All such children are separated children and entitled to international protection under a broad range of international and regional instruments.
The Separated Children in Europe Programme aims to realise the rights and best interests of separated children who have come to, or through Europe, by establishing a shared policy and commitment to best practice at national and European levels. As part of this process the programme has an ongoing commitment to developing partnerships with organisations working with separated children in European countries. The Statement of Good Practice sets out the policy and practice basis for the programme’s work.

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