Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

Standardised Indicators and Categories for Better CMAM Reporting

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Save the Children UK

This paper outlines standardised reporting categories and definitions as well as indicators for monitoring and reporting on all CMAM components, namely Stabilisation Centres (SCs), Outpatient Therapeutic Programmes (OTPs) and targeted Supplementary Feeding Programmes (TSFPs). Reporting categories and indicators have been developed through a consensus building process with a large number of humanitarian agencies and can be seen as best practice in CMAM reporting to date. These guidelines can be used by nutrition programme and M&E staff of NGOs as well as government staff to set up comprehensive monitoring and reporting systems for their CMAM programming or adapt their current systems to fit best practice.

CMAM reporting standards presented in this paper have been developed to meet latest Sphere standards and additionally to:

· Calculate unbiased performance for all CMAM components : OTP discharges are reported separately from regular SFP entries2; movements between CMAM components are not included in the denominator for calculation of performance
· Avoid double or multiple counting of beneficiaries when they move from one to the next CMAM component or backtrack and start the treatment process again
· Account for any beneficiaries that have been admitted by mistake through an “Other” reporting category in entries and exits

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