South Sudan Governance Programs: Ensuring Political Accountability, Fostering Inclusion, and Leveraging a Cross Sectoral Portfolio thumbnail
Case Studies and Success Stories

South Sudan Governance Programs: Ensuring Political Accountability, Fostering Inclusion, and Leveraging a Cross Sectoral Portfolio

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Save the Children International,Save the Children South Sudan

Save the Children is a leading organization promoting good governance to realize the rights of children and youth in South Sudan. As a child rights organization, we center children, adolescents, youth, and youth-led organizations in advocacy and governance processes. Save the Children South Sudan’s areas of expertise include: child and youth civic engagement, accountability with decision-makers, social accountability to youth, civil society strengthening, and partnerships with youth  led organizations and networks.

Save the Children South Sudan leads multi-sectoral programs across Child Protection, Child Right Governance, Education, Health and Nutrition, and Food Security, Livelihood and Social Protection, that support and center children and youth including those affected by violence and displacement, as well as advocating for their rights at national, state and community levels.

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